wisdom teeth removal

To pull or not to pull? The wisdom of having wisdom teeth removed.


What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth extractions provide relief from potential discomfort, infections, and oral health complications caused by misalignment or impaction. By addressing these issues early, it promotes overall oral wellness and prevent potential long-term dental problems. 

Wisdom Tooth Emerging Under Red Gums

The Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Extraction


The best way to see problems stemming from wisdom teeth is with a dental x-ray. Often, x-rays identify impacted teeth that require removal. Patients may require wisdom teeth extraction if they are causing damage to other teeth, jaw problems, sinus issues, inflamed gums or alignment issues. 


Improve Alignment

dentures icon

Resolve Bite Problems

apple with bite

Protect Your Other Teeth

tooth within a shield

Healthier Gums

Sparkly tooth and gums
Teenager boy smiling and looking away from the camera photo

How to Know if You Need Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Some To determine if you need wisdom teeth extraction, watch for signs of pain, swelling or tenderness in the back of your both, which could indicate impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth.  
Symptoms that may indicate need for wisdom teeth removal:

Gums fully encase the tooth.

Wisdom tooth is only partially emerged through the gums.

Crowding of nearby teeth.

You experience persistent pain.

You experience recurring infections.

You experience tooth decay.

You develop cysts.

You develop gum disease around the wisdom teeth.

You have damage to nearby teeth.

Open mouth with wisdom teeth coming out

What to Expect When You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed


During the wisdom teeth removal process, a dentist or oral surgeon uses anesthesia to numb the area and then makes an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth and underlying bone before carefully extracting it. 

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

This Wisdom tooth extractions typically involves the removal of one or more wisdom teeth that have fully erupted and are causing issues.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Impacted wisdom tooth extraction is more complex procedure. This often requires making an incision in the gum and potentially removing a portion of the jawbone to access and extract the impacted tooth. 


What are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

A person's mouth typically accommodates 28 teeth. And if all four wisdom teeth emerge, there’s not enough space for these additional molars. Impacted wisdom teeth occur when the third molars have difficulty breaking through the gums. This happens when the available space in the mouth is inadequate for their proper eruption. It can result from factors such as the angle of the wisdom teeth or the positioning of adjacent teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to discomfort, pain, infection, cyst formation and potential damage to neighboring teeth or the jawbone. 

Four Teeth pulled together by yellow floss
individual with beautiful teeth flossing in front of the mirror

Book an Appointment Today


Feeling sore in the back? Your wisdom teeth could be trying to grab your attention. Book an appointment with a Smile Generation-trusted dentist today.



Wisdom Teeth Stitches

Wisdom teeth stiches, also known as sutures, are used after the removal of wisdom teeth to aid in the healing process. They are typically dissolvable and designed to hold the wound closed during the initial phases of recovery. As the healing progresses, these stitches gradually dissolve on their own, eliminating the need for removal. 

Dentist holding a patient's hand

Got questions?


Needing wisdom teeth extraction? Your inqueries, our expertise. 

The wisdom teeth are your third set of molars. Since they are the last teeth to appear in your mouth, there is not always room for them to grow correctly. As a result, the wisdom teeth may get stuck or emerge at an angle. Wisdom teeth that do not grow properly may cause dental problems, such as gum disease or infections, which is why they are often removed.

Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed. However, many people do. You will know you need your wisdom teeth removed if you have pain, which may come and go. You have this pain because the wisdom teeth are growing or impacted. If the pain continues or gets worse, you should see your dentist. Otherwise, there may be further issues resulting from ignoring the pain.


If you are unsure if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, a dentist can examine your teeth and advise you on whether the cause of your pain is growth or impact.

Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth pulled out. If your wisdom teeth are not causing pain, infection, or other problems, your dentist may recommend leaving them in place. Wisdom teeth that are not pulled out may need to be monitored. If problems occur later, your dentist may recommend pulling the wisdom teeth.


Pulling your wisdom teeth out unnecessarily can lead to other complications, as does every procedure. So, if your dentist does not recommend removing the teeth, you should leave them in place.

It varies. Some wisdom teeth may be removed without needing to cut into the gums. Other wisdom teeth may be trapped under the gums, and some may need to be cut into smaller pieces before being removed. Depending on the procedure, wisdom tooth removal could take anywhere from a few minutes to over 20 minutes per tooth. Your dentist can explain how long your procedure may take.


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